CBM Foreign Language Literature List

Owner:  Bro. Mark Whittaker, CBM Literature Steward (contact email as per CALS diary).  Last  updated: July 7th 2005

Items of CBM literature in all foreign languages in CBM and CBMA areas are listed in this document (1. Africa, 2. Europe. 3. Middle East). 

            URL:    www.god-so-loved-the-world.org/cbm_lit_list.htm

ACBM areas have a separate listing: (4. Asia)

            URL:    www.god-so-loved-the-world.org/acbm_lit_list.htm

SIL Codes : In order to distinguish between different dialects/languages - particularly in Africa - the standard three letter linguistic codes developed by the Summer Institute of Linguistics have been marked for some languages.

CBM Literature for many areas is held by CBM team leaders and/or in the country concerned; those stocks may not be fully listed here. [* indicates copies held at Christadelphian Office as well as where indicated.] Otherwise, stocks are held at the Christadelphian Office, Shaftmoor Lane, Birmingham. The Appendixes on the original printed list which are on the final page have been placed here in italics after the in-print list.

[Stocks at Christadelphian Office]

AFRIKAANS (6m first language, + 4m as second language)
Die Waarheid word verkondig Preaching the Truth - Archive copies (only) held at the Christadelphian Office
Bible Basics  [contact bro. Marcus Heaster for stocks]

AMHARIC (20m, national language of Ethiopia and language of Coptic Church) 
Bible Basics 

BEMBA (2.0m Zambia)
see http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=BEM 
Nsambilishena Inshila Yenu ? [Archive copies (only) held at the Christadelphian Office]
Bible Basics Heaster

also called CHEWA / NYANJA / CHI-NYANJA (4.0m, main language of Malawi)
[see http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=NYJ
Akristu Onama Ali Kuti? Which is the True Religion?
[Archive copies (only) held at the Christadelphian Office]
Maandalizi - Ia Ubatizo Preparing for Baptism
Mfundo Zoyenera Kudziwa Pa Choonadi 
Cha Chinenero Summary of Beliefs
Mulozo Bible Companion
Ukwati Wa Chikhristu Christian Marriage
Chipunzitso ca Trinity-Mulungu The Doctrine of the Trinity
Kubweranso Kwa Kristu The Return of Christ
Ubatizo Baptism

IGBO / IBO (20m in Nigeria, mainly Christian)
see also language map of Nigeria http://www.ethnologue.com/show_map.asp?name=Nigeria

Bible Basics [via Marcus Heaster]

KISWAHILI / SWAHILI [SWA] (lingua franca of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda)
[stocks held by Bro. Carl Hinton for Tanzania or at The Office; Electronic versions available on internet - contact Carl Hinton]
*Ukimwi = AIDS
*Matayarisho ya Ubatizo = Preparing for Baptism
Imani Yangu =  My Faith
WaKristadelfiani Ni Nani? = Who are the Christadelphians
Injili Ya Kwanza = The Original Gospel
Maswali Yako Yajibiwa Kuhusu Kanisa La Kikristadelfiano = Christadelphian beliefs
Mpinga Kristo = Christ's Way
Mpangilio Wa Masomo Ya Biblia = Bible Readings Companion
Masomo ya Biblia kwa njia ya posta ya Wakristadelphian = Correspondence Course (40 lesson)
Mshitaki Wenu Ibilisi = The Devil & Satan
Ni Kweli Yesu Kristo Alishuka Mbinguni? = Did Jesus Christ really come down from heaven?
Biblia Yaonyesha Kuwa ni Uwezo wa Mungu = The Holy Spirit
Katiba ya Makanisa = Constitution
Amri zaYesu Kristo = The Commandments of Christ
Kitabu-mwalimu wa Kristadelfiani = The Christadelphian Instructor
Ni kwa sababu gani Mungu anaruhusu mateso? = Why Does God Allow Suffering?
Ufufuo kwa Hukumu = Raised to Judgement
Bible Basics Heaster
KISWAHILI APPENDIX Archive copies (only) held at the Christadelphian Office
Habari Za Ukweli Kama Ilivyofunuliwa Katika Biblia ¡­ The Declaration
Bible Yaonyesha kuwa ni Uwezo wa Munga Bible teaching about the power of God
Leaflets [Some can be photocopied on request]
Dini Yenye Maana The Reasonableness of Religion
Habari Njema Glad Tidings
Imani Yangu My Faith
Masomo Kamili Yawale Watakao Batizwa True Teaching about Baptism
Maswali yako yajibiwa kuhusu kanisa Your Questions Answered
la Kikristadelfiano about the Christadelphians
Mwenzi Wa Biblia Bible Companion Introduction
Ndoa Takatifu Holy Marriage
Nyimbo za Christadelphian Swahili Hymn Book [new edition in production]
Several other booklets (Ecclesial Guide; The Sabbath; One Bible, Many Churches ¡­) have been prepared in manuscript; 
there are also archive cyclostyled copies of Way Leaflets

SHONA (Zimbabwe)
Ma-Christadelphians = Christadelphians: Who are They?
Ushe Hwamwari Hurikuuya = The Return 

SHONA APPENDIX Archive copies (only) held at the Christadelphian Office
Bhaibheri Rimwe Chete-Svondo Zhinji-Seiko? One Bible, Many Churches-Why? (Way Leaflet 1)
Dzidziso Yeutatu The Teaching about the Trinity
Hapana Denga? Hapana Nzvimbo Yevashakabvu? No Heaven-No Hell? (Way Leaflet 3)
Kuombekwa Baptism (Way Leaflet 7)
Mweya Unoera The Holy Spirit
Nguva Ichauya The Age to Come
Rudaviro Rwangu My Beliefs
Se I Ndisiri ¡­ Chapupu Chajehova Why I am not a Jehovah's Witness
Shoko Rebhaibheri Bible Teaching
Tingatya Dhiabhorosi Here? Need We Fear the Devil?
Tinoenda Kupi Kana Tafa? Where do we go when we die?
Christadelphian Bible Postal Course 40-Part CBM Course
Hymn Book Words of 19 Hymns

SOTHO, NORTHERN SOTHO (4m in South Africa and Botswana)
Bible Basics

SOTHO, SOUTHERN (2m, national language of Lesotho)
no literature

YORUBA (20m Nigeria, mainly Christian)
Imura Fun Iribomi = Preparing for Baptism
Mo Otito Nipa Igbe-aiye Lehin Iku = Know the Truth about Life after Death
Otito Oro Olorun = The Declaration
Bibeli Atoko Wa The Bible our Guide 
Igbe Aiye Otito Pelu Kristi Living the Truth 
Iwe Oludamoran Christadelphian The Christadelphian Instructor


- leaflets [contact bro Paul and sis Faith Boyd for stocks]

LUGANDA / GANDA (3.1m Uganda)
Satan Baptism
The Trinity Life after death
Resurrection and judgement 
The Christian Life
The Bible
Jesus Christ IS coming back
The Jews in God's purpose

ADHOLA (0.25m Uganda) 
[see http://www.ethnologue.com/show_family.asp?subid=2215 and
http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=ADH ]
Resurrection and judgement 
Jesus Christ IS coming back

LUO (3.0m Kenya, one of languages used on Voice of Kenya Radio)
[see http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=TEO and
 http://www.isp.msu.edu/AfrLang/Luo_root.html ]
Jesus Christ IS coming back

TESO also called ATESO (Uganda & Kenya)
[see http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=TEO
dictionary http://www.met.rdg.ac.uk/~swp98jap/ateso.html
Resurrection and judgement
The Trinity

LANGO (1.0m Uganda) 
see http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=LAJ ]
Is God a Trinity? 
Jesus Christ IS coming back 
Resurrection and judgement
Heaven and Hell 
Life after death
The Devil

SAMIA - (Kenya, NB dialect of LUYIA [LUY] no SIL code)
[see http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=Kenya ]

NYANKORE also called RUNYANKOLE/RUTOORO (1.6m speakers in Uganda)
[see http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=NYN ]
My Faith 
The Trinity
The Devil 


[contact bro. Marcus Heaster for stocks]
Bible Companion
Why are we here? (Sharman) 
Bible Basics - Bazat E Biblës
Bible Basics For Moslems

ARMENIAN (3.5m Armenia, 2.5m in neighbouring states)
[contact bro. Marcus Heaster for stocks]
Bible Basics


[Stocks in Sofia]

Bible Guide Folder 
19-Part Course

Hope for a Hopeless World 
Israel: God's People, God's Land
One Bible-Many Churches 
Who are the Christadelphians?
The Nuclear Age-Will Man Survive? 
The Sabbath: Do we have to observe it? 
The True Gospel 
Roots of True Christianity
If a man die, shall he live again? 
Christ is Coming!
Moral Standards 

BULGARIAN APPENDIX Archive copies (only) held at the Christadelphian Office
Hope for a Hopeless World Israel: God's People, God's Land
One Bible-Many Churches Who are the Christadelphians?
The Nuclear Age-Will Man Survive? The Sabbath: Do we have to observe it? 
The True Gospel Roots of True Christianity
If a man die, shall he live again? Christ is Coming!
Moral Standards Declaration
Bible Guide Folder 19-Part Course

[Stocks at the Office, with bro. Geoff Brazier, and in Prague]
Clovek, Kter¨¦mu byl Sl¨ªben Svet = The Man who was Promised the World (Mansfield)
Co je po smrti? = After Death-What? (CMPA)
Dopis M¨¦mu Cest¨¦mu Pr¨ªteli = A Letter to my Czech Friend (Alan Eyre)
Duch Svat´y = The Holy Spirit
Jez¨ªs: Buh Syn nebo Syn Boz¨ª? = Jesus: God the Son or Son of God?
Kdo jsou Bratri v Kristu? = Who are the Brethren in Christ?
Kr¨¢lovstv¨ª Boz¨ª na Zemi = Kingdom of God on Earth 
Kristus se Vr¨¢t¨ª! = Christ is Coming! 
Nadeje pro Beznadejn´y Svet = Hope for a Hopeless World 
Nedele a Sabat =  Sunday and the Sabbath
Proc je tolik cirkvi? = Why so many churches?
Pruvodece pro cten¨ª Bible denn¨ª r¨¢d = Bible Companion, with 36 point summary
pro prospesn¨¦ cten¨ª P¨ªsma Svat¨¦ho (3-part bookmark Bible Companion also available)
Ver¨ªte v D'¨¢bla = Truth about the Devil

Correspondence Course:
Christadelphian Biblick´y Korespondencni Kurs = Translation of 22-part English Course
Stocks not held at the Office:
Izrael: Boz¨ª Zeme, Boz¨ª Lid Israel = God's People, God's Land 
Omyly Svedku Jehovov´ych = Jehovah's Witnesses ¡­
Predstavujeme v¨¢m The Christadelphians = Introducing the Christadelphians
Bible Basics - available via Marcus Heaster

CROATIAN (latin script, SERBIAN written in cyrillic script)
Bible Companion
[contact bro. Marcus Heaster for stocks]
Bible Basics
Introducing Bible Basics 

DANISH  (5m)
Archive copies (only) held at the Christadelphian Office
Og så til de Gode Nyheder Now for the Good News (booklet) 
Bible Basics

[Stocks below at the Office; others held in Holland - see appendix]
Het Evangelie van het Koninkrijk Gods = The Gospel of the Kingdom of God
Terug naar de Bijbel   = Back to the Bible (Harry Tennant)
Verstaat gij wat gij Leest? = Understanding the Bible (Alfred Norris)
Het Atoom Tijdperk = The Atomic Age 
Wat zijn de Christadelphians? = Who are the Christadelphians?
Karl Marx of Jezus Christus? = Karl Marx or Jesus Christ? 
Licht uit het Verleden = The Magic of the Past 
Zaterdag of Zondag? =  Saturday or Sunday? 
Zo zegt de Here = Thus saith the Lord 

DUTCH  APPENDIX (copies also in Holland)  Archive copies (only) held at the Christadelphian Office
Geen Ondergang voor Planeet Aarde Planet Earth's Last Hope (Alan Hayward)
Gelijkenissen van de Here Jezus Christus Parables of the Lord Jesus Christ (Ans Brand)
Geschriften van een Pionier Pioneer Writings (John Thomas)
De Gezonde Leer Christendom Astray (Robert Roberts)
Groot Nieuws voor de wereld Great News for the World (Alan Hayward)
Israel in Gods Heilsplan Israel in God's Purpose
Mijn Knecht Mozes Moses My Servant (Harry Tennant)
De Uitdaging van Bijbels Christendom The Challenge of Bible Christianity (R. Rijkeboer)
Van Eden tot het Paradijs The Christadelphians: What they Believe and Preach (HT)
De Weg des Heren God's Way (John Carter)
Wie is Jezus Christus? Who is Jesus Christ? (D. A. Hale & G. M. Jackman)
Liedboek van de Broeders in Christus Dutch Hymn Book
Bijbelleesplan Basic Reading Plan (1 ch. per day)
Bijbelrooster voor Dagelijks Lezen Bible Companion 
Bijbelrooster voor Kinderen Children's Bible Companion 
Lees de Bijbel iedere Dag Bible Reading Planner (single sheet) 
De Bijbel als Boek How the Bible Came to us
De Bijbel onze Gids The Bible our Guide 
De Broeders in Christus: Wie Zijn Zij? Christadelphians: Who are they? 
De Christelijke Hoop op Leven The Christian Hope of Life
De Christen als Discipel Christian Discipleship
Het Christendom van de Eerst Eeuw First Century Christianity 
Christus Terug op Aarde Christ on Earth Again 
De Duivel en Satan The Devil and Satan 
De Enige Weg tot Behoudenis The Only Way of Salvation 
Geloofsverklaring Statement of Faith 
Geloven in God Believing in God 
Een Godsdienst die Zin heeft A Religion that Makes Sense 
De Heilige Geest en de Gelovige Vandaag The Holy Spirit and the Believer Today
Ik Geloof I Believe 
In Voorbereiding op de Doop Preparation for Baptism 
Israël in God's Heilsplan Israel in the Purpose of God 
Het Komende Wereldrijk The Coming World Empire 
Leven en Dood: de Nuchtere Feiten Life and Death 
Leven uit de Waarheid Life in the Truth 
De Machten der Hemelen zullen wankelen The Powers of Heaven shall be Shaken 
Het Midden-Oosten: God's Oplossing The Middle East: God's Solution 
De Nederigheid van Christus The Humility of Christ (based on Phil. 2)
Nieuw Leven in Christus Jezus New Life in Christ Jesus
Op de Bijbel kun je Bouwen The Bible was Right 
Opstanding en Oordeel Resurrection and Judgement 
De Persoon van Jezus Christus The Person of Jesus Christ
De Roeping van Jezus Christus The Call of Christ
De Sabbat The Sabbath
Uw God is Koning Your God is King 
Een Verklaring The Declaration
Waar gaat het met de Wereld heen? What is the World coming to? 
De Wederkomst van Christus Jezus The Return of Christ Jesus
Met de Bijbel in de Hand
Special issues of this magazine were devoted to doctrinal topics and also specific books of the Bible: list of titles available on request

[Held by Bro. Graham Whettall and in Tartu by Sis Taimalu]

Correspondence Courses:
Piibli Kursus 1-18 (Bible Course 18 Lesson)
Piibli Kursus 1-40 (CBM 40 Lesson)
Matteuse Evangeeliumi kohta = CBM Gospel of Matthew Course

Piibli Sõnad = Bible Words (dictionary by David Whitehouse)
Kristuse Tähendamissõnad Parables of Christ (Colin Edwards)
H¨¹mn raamat = Hymn Book
66 Books of the Bible
Women of the Bible
Studies in Genesis

Kuidas Valmistuda Kristuse Tulekuks Preparing for the Return of Christ
Lootus Lootusetus Maailmas Hope for a Hopeless World 
Piibel Meie Teejuht The Bible our Guide
Piibli Raamatud A Review of the Bible
Taevas Maa Peal Heaven on Earth (trans. of Preaching the Truth)
Jeesus Kristuse päitoulu ja loomus The Origin and Nature of Christ
Jumal ei ole Kolmainsus God is not a Trinity
Jumala Kuningriik The Kingdom of God
Jumalikkusest ja Saatanlikkusest God and Satan
Kristuse surm ja ¨¹lestõusmine The Death and Resurrection of Christ
Kurat ja Patt The Devil and Sin
Lisrael ja Kristusee teine tagasitulek Israel and the Second Coming of Christ
Mida Christadelphlased Usavad The Faith of the Christadelphians
P¨¹ha Vaimu Töö The Truth about the Holy Spirit 
Tode Taeva ja Porgu Kohta The Truth about Heaven and Hell
Tõeline Kristlust Original Christianity 
Üks Piibel, Palju Kirkuid-Miks? One Bible, Many Churches-Why?
Viimased Paeväd The Last Days

Bible Basics

No literature available

[Stocks held by bre Peter Twelves and Phil Martin; asterisked items also at the Office]
Books - available from Peter Twelves, 24 Port Hill Gardens, Shrewsbury, SY3 8SQ
Several French booklets : http://www.thechristadelphians.org/french/ (Sydney)
Beta version of French Africa web page : www.god-so-loved-the-world.org/french.htm (French committee web page coming)

Correspondence Course - available from Phil Martin
Cours postal biblique French Translation of 22 Lesson Course
Cantiques Selection of French Hymns [from Phil Martin]

Une Vie de J¨¦sus A Life of Jesus (Melva Purkis)[from Office]
*L'Epitre de Jacques The Epistle of James
La Vie nouvelle The New Life
Fortifies par l'Esprit = Strengthened by the Spirit

Ainsi dit l'Eternel = Thus saith the Lord
L'Antichrist = Antichrist (CCW)
*Apr¨¨s la mort ¡­ = After Death ¡­? 
La Bible notre guide The Bible our Guide 
Les commandements de J¨¦sus-Christ = The Commandments of Christ 
Disciples de Christ au XXIe si¨¨cle = Disciples of Christ in the 21st Century 
L'Enseignement de la Bible sur le Vaudou = Voodoo, Sorcery and Spirit Religions
Juifs, Gentils et le plan de Dieu = Jews, Gentiles and God's Purpose
*Guide pour la Lecture de la Bible (+ Analyse) = Bible Companion (+ Summary of Faith) 
J¨¦sus-Christ est la Bonne Nouvelle = Jesus Christ is the Good News
Pr¨¦paration au bapt¨ºme = Preparation for Baptism (photocopied)
*Les promesses faites ¨¤ Abraham = The Promises to Abraham 
*Qu'adviendra-t-il de notre terre? = What is the world coming to? 
La sacrifice et la r¨¦surrection de J¨¦sus-Christ The Sacrifice and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
La seule voie du salut = The Only Way of Salvation 
La sorcellerie et le spiritisme = Black magic and spiritism.
*Le vrai Diable = The Real Devil
Le Pere, le Fils,et le Saint-Esprit = The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
*Le Royaume de Dieu, sous ses divers aspects = The Kingdom of God in its various aspects 
*Une Bonne Nouvelle = Good News
*Qui sommes-nous ¡­? = Who are we ¡­? 
Une religion logique = A Religion that Makes Sense 

Magazine Eaux Vives (A Bull)
Magazine Le Herault du Royaume - revue biblique The Herald of the Kingdom - a Bible Magazine
Bimestrielle appearing six times a year 

Plus: Bible Basics, What is the Gospel? Bible Companion, available via Marcus Heaster

GEORGIAN (4.0m in Georgia)
Bible Companion
[contact bro. Marcus Heaster for stocks]
Bible Basics

[Full range in Esslingen; items below also stocked at the Office]
Trachtet zuerst nach dem Reich Gottes = Seek First the Kingdom of God
Das Blut Jesu Christi = The Blood of Christ
Ehemann and Ehefrau-Eltern und Kinder = Man and Wife-Parents and Children 
Ewiges Leben im Reich Gottes = Eternal Life in the Kingdom of God 
Forschet täglich in der Schrift =  Bible Companion 
Frieden f¨¹r die Erde = Peace on Earth 
Glaube and Taufe = Belief and Baptism
Gott ist Einer = God is One 
Der grosse Widersacher und seine Überwindung =  The Great Adversary and its Conquest 
Israels Bedeutung in der Endzeit = Israel's Place in the Last Days 
Ein König f¨¹r Israel =  A King for Israel 
Die Opfer = The Offerings
Sollen Christen den Sabbat halten? =  Should Christians observe the Sabbath? 
Die symbolische Sprache der Propheten Israels = The Symbolic Language of Israel's Prophets
Uber die Herkunft des Sohnes Gottes-Jesus =  The Origin of God's Son-Jesus 
Und Jetzt die guten Nachrichten = Now for the Good News 
Die Verheissungen ¡­ Promises to the Fathers (Christendom Astray, ch. 9)
Ein vern¨¹nftiger Glaube =  A Religion that Makes Sense 
Wahrheit =   Declaration 
Warum denn die Bibel lesen? = Why Read the Bible?
Was wird aus unserer Welt noch werden? = What is the World Coming to? 
Die Wiederkunft Christi = The Return of Christ 
Wof¨¹r wir Einstehen = The Things we Stand For 
Der Sinn des Lebens = the meaning of life
Was wird aus unserer Welt noch werden? = What is the World Coming to? 
GERMAN APPENDIX (copies also in Esslingen) 
Archive copies (only) held at the Christadelphian Office
God is (Hayward)
Die grosse Erlösung The Great Salvation (Williams)
Beweise der Auferstehung Jesu Christi Proofs of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ 
Ein einfache Erklärung des Evangeliums A Simple Declaration of the Gospel 
Mein täglicher Wegbegleiter Children's Bible Companion 
Das Gericht Judgement (Christendom Astray, ch. 5) 
Gott, Geist, Engel, Jesus Christus und die God, Angels, Jesus Christ, and the Crucifixion 
Kreuzigung (Christendom Astray, ch. 6)
Göttliche Forderungen f¨¹r eine erfolgreiche Ehe Divine Commands for a Successful Marriag 
Holocaust einmal anders-Aus der Sicht der Bibel A Biblical View of the Holocaust 
Die Unsterblichkeit ¡­ Immortality (Christendom Astray, ch. 4) 
Verheissungen die Gott noch nicht erf¨¹llt hat Promises God Never Kept 
Welche Rolle spielt das Volk Israel? The Role of Israel in our Time ¡­ 
Die Wiederkunft Christi The Return of Christ 
Was ist die Bibel? The Bible-What it is (Christendom Astray, ch. 1)
Bibelleseplan Bible Reading Plan
Lesen-Pr¨¹fen-Urteilen (various) (Similar to Fingerposts) Part 3
Correspondence Course
Biblelkurs 12 part Course

GREEK (10m in Greece, 0.5m in Cyprus)
ASK course (Alfred Norris) translated into Greek back in the 1980s; thought possibly still some copies located with Sister T.K. in Athens Greece, but extensive search recovered only one scan of one booklet in old-fashioned Greek. Conclusion is that the translation is lost.

The following are listed but not downloadable on the Hungarian webpage www.cbmhu.org
Printed stocks held by Bro. L. Nemenyi, Melbourne, stocks in UK R. Benson.

Correspondence Course = Biblia-Tanfolyam 18-Part Course 

1.    Élet Krisztusban 
2.    Isten sz¨¢nd¨¦ka a zsid¨®kkal
3.    Szenved¨¦sek - Mi¨¦rt engedi meg Isten?
4.    Keresztel¨¦s - Jelentõs¨¦ge ¨¦s fontoss¨¢ga
5.    Az ördög vagy s¨¢t¨¢n - Ki az vagy mi az?
6.    A Biblia - Isten ¨¹zenete az embernek (L)
7.    A Biblia - a tök¨¦letes ¨²tmutat¨® a mindennapi
8.    Élet¨¹nkben (L)
9.    Meg tudjuk-e a bûnbocs¨¢natot v¨¢s¨¢rolni?
10.  Miben hittek az elsõ ¨¦vsz¨¢zadbeli kereszt¨¦nyek ?
 -      J¨¦zus visszat¨¦r¨¦se
 -      Isten Orsz¨¢ga
 -      H¨ªvõ emberek közöss¨¦ge
11.  Az igazi evang¨¦lium
= The True Gospel
12.  Krisztus eljövetele
= Christ is Coming
13.  Meghallgatja-e Isten im¨¢ds¨¢gunkat?
14.  Rem¨¦ny egy rem¨¦nytelen vil¨¢gnak
15.  Krisztadelfian - közöss¨¦g¨¹nk le¨ªr¨¢sa

Bible Basics (via Marcus Heaster)

[stocks at the Office]
Chi Siamo e Dove Andiamo? = Who are we? and Where are we going? 
Correspondence Course
Corso de Bibbia (+ Guisto o Falso?) 22-Part Course (+ Right or Wrong?) 
ITALIAN APPENDIX Archive copies (only) held at the Christadelphian Office
La Bibbia: La Vera Parola di Dio The Bible: The True Word of God (OCMR) 
Una Dichiarazione A Declaration (abbreviated)
Racconto di Fede die Christadelfiani BUSF (trans. Gaetano Gariti, NY, 1915)
Bible Basics (via Marcus Heaster)

LATVIAN (1.5m, half of population, all speak Russian)
Bible Companion
[contact bro. Marcus Heaster for stocks]
Bible Basics
Introducing Bible Basics
The Last Days (Heaster)

Bible Companion
[contact bro. Marcus Heaster for stocks]
Bible Basics
Introducing Bible Basics
Light on the Gospel

MACEDONIAN (1.4m in the Skopje area)
Bible Companion
[contact bro. Marcus Heaster for stocks]
Bible Basics
Introducing Bible Basics
In search of Satan (Heaster)

[stocks at CBM House in Malta]
Il-Christadelphians The Christadelphians
Il-Genna U l-Infern X 'Taghllem Il-Bibbja? Heaven and Hell-What does the Bible Teach?
Il-Bibbja Mgaddsa The Bible the Word of God
Il-profezija ta' Gesu Kristu The Prophecy of Jesus Christ
Hemm Alla wiehed biss The Trinity
Il-bniedem ghandu ruh li ma tmut qatt? Heaven and Hell, What does the Bible Teach?

Webpage for the Norwegian magazine www.bibelblad.com with downloadable back issues.

Archive copies (only) held at the Christadelphian Office:
Det å Forstå Bibelen Understanding the Bible 
Jesu Kristi Blod The Blood of Christ 
Bibelen vår Fører og Veiviser Bible our Guide 
Her Komer de Gode Nyheter Now for the Good News 
Sannheten om Djevelen Truth about the Devil 

Dåpen og Doden 
Forberedelse til den Største av alle Begivenheter 
Hvem er Vi? 
På den andre Siden av Graven 
Så sier Herren 
Tilbake til Bibelen 
Verdens Problemer-Löste 

[stocks held by Bro. David Budden]

Correspondence Courses
12-Lesson Course
Revision Course (300 Questions)

Why are we here? (D. Sharman)

Bible Companion
Blood Transfusions 
Christadelphians, Brothers in Christ
The Declaration 
Hope for a Hopeless World
Is the Holy Spirit a Person?
Jesus: Son of God, Did he pre-exist? 
The Law of Moses and Christianity
The Sabbath 
Satan in the Book of Job
Satan and the Devil in the Bible 
Satan, the Devil and Demons
Wrested Scriptures (a selection) 
John 20:23

The Bible Companion
The Bible Meaning of Hell 
Christianity of Apostolic Times
The Covenant with David 
Declaration of Bible Truths
The Doctrine of the Trinity 
The Forgiveness of Sins
The God of the Bible 
The Hope of True Christianity
Immortality in the Bible 
Is there a Devil?
Jesus: Judge of the Living and of the Dead
The Kingdom of God 
Light on the Gospel
The Promised Land 
The Promises to Abraham
A Religion having Sense 
The Virgin Birth of Jesus
Where do we go after Death? 
Why did Christ rise from the Dead?
Why so many Denominations? 
Why we ought to be Baptized
You are Peter 

A Variety of Studies, Exhortations and Polish Language Magazines are also produced
Magazine = "Eye" a quarterly magazine http://www.angelfire.com/biz/KRAJ/

Bible Basics (D. Heaster)
Introducing Bible Basics (ed. D Heaster)
In Search of Satan (Heaster)

PORTUGUESE (Portugal, Brazil)
[stocks at the Office]
Marcador de B¨ªblia Bible Companion (bookmark) 
A B¨ªblia ¨¦ Verdadeira? Is the Bible True? 
A Volta de Cristo a Terra The Return of Christ to Earth 
O Evangeiho Original The Original Gospel 
Para que e que Cristo Vem Why Christ is Coming Back 
Correspondence Course
Curso B¨ªblico Postal Cristadelfiano 22-Part Course
Hymn Book
Cantai ao Senhor! Sing to the Lord!
PORTUGUESE  APPENDIX Archive copies (only) held at the Christadelphian Office
O Futuro Reino de Deus The Future Kingdom of God
Por um Cristadelfiano Why I am a Christadelphian (LJ) 
Bible Basics (Heaster)

[stocks held by bro Graham Jackman, Reading, or at The Office]
Adevarata Evanghelie The True Gospel (Declaration) 
Biblia: Ghidul Nostru The Bible Our Guide
Dece Este Important Botezulu Why Baptism Matters 
Cine sunt Christadelfienii? Who are the Christadelphians?
Crucea Lui Christos The Cross of Christ 
Discipolii Lui Christos în Lumea Moderna? Disciples of Christ in the Modern World
CE se Intampla Dupa Moarte? After Death-What?
Imparatia Lui Dumnezeu pe Pamant The Kingdom of God on Earth
Israel: Poporul Lui Dumnezeu, Tara Lui Dumnezeu Israel: God's People, God's Land
Isus: Dumnezeu Fiul sau Fiul lui Dumnezeu? Jesus Christ: God the Son or Son of God
Organizator Biblic Bible Reading Planner
Revenirea Lui Isus Hristos The Return of Jesus Christ (reprinting) 
O Speranta Pentru o Lume Disperata Hope for a Hopeless World 
Tu Creze în Diavol? Do you Believe in a Devil?
Pildele lui Mesia Parables of the Messiah (J Carter)
18-Lesson Course
Acts Course [in production]
Bible Basics (contact Marcus Heaster for stocks)

Biblical Fellowship (G. Booker)
Cornelia's story 
Elpis Israel parts 1 and 2 (J Thomas) §¯§¡§¥§¦§¨§¥§¡ §ª§©§²§¡§ª§­§¦§£§¡
Exploring the Bible (H. Whittaker)
First steps in Christ
God Is (Alan Hayward)
God's Truth (Alan Hayward) §¢§°§¨§¾§Á §ª§³§´§ª§¯§¡
How the Bible came to us
Index Rerum (Bingley)
Joel, Daniel and Revelation studies (H Whittaker)
A Life of Jesus (M. Purkis)
Moses my servant
Parables of the Messiah
Principles and Proverbs
Revelation: A Biblical Approach (Harry Whittaker) §°§ä§Ü§â§à§Ó§Ö§ß§Ú§Ö- §ã §¢§Ú§Ò§Ý§Ö§Û§ã§Ü§à§Û §ä§à§é§Ü§Ú §Ù§â§Ö§ß§Ú§ñ
Studies in the Statement of Faith
The Blood of Christ (Robert Roberts)
The Christadelphians (H. Tennant)
The Last Days (H. Whittaker)
The Last Days (D. Heaster)
The Protesters (Alan Eyre) §±§â§à§ä§Ö§ã§ä§à§â§Ú
The Teaching of the Master 
The New Life (John Marshall)
The Teaching of the Master (L. G. Sargent)
Thirteen Lectures on the Apocalypse (R. Roberts)
Time of the End (H. Whittaker)
Why are We Here? (D. Sharman)
Wrested Scriptures (R. Abel)

Bible Companion §³§á§å§ä§ß§Ú§Ü §¢§Ú§Ò§Ý§Ú§Ú §ª§Ý§Ú §´§¡§¢§­§ª§¸§½ §¥§Ý§ñ §±§à§Ý§Ö§Ù§ß§à§Ô§à §Ö§Ø§Ö§Õ§ß§Ö§Ó§ß§à§Ô§à §é§ä§Ö§ß§Ú§ñ §³§Ó§ñ§ë§Ö§ß§ß§à§Ô§à §±§Ú§ã§Ñ§ß§Ú§ñ
Bible Reading Planner
Birmingham Amended Statement of Faith
The Commandments of Christ
After Death-What?
The Cherubim (J. Allfree)
Creation or Chance (Mansfield)
Do You Believe in a Devil?
Getting to Know God
Hope for a Hopeless World
Israel; God's People, God's Land
Jehovah's Witnesses Examined
Now for the Good News
One Bible, Many Churches
The Personal Return of Jesus Christ
Preparing for Baptism
The Significance of Colours and Numbers in Scripture (M. D. Stewart)
There is a World-wide Family
The Things We Stand For
Trinitarian Texts Examined (J. Allfree)
The True Gospel (Declaration)
The Truth about the Devil and Satan (from Christendom Astray and Wrested Scriptures)
The Way of Life (S. F. Jeacock)
What is the Gospel? (unknown) §¹§ä§à §ñ§Ó§Ý§ñ§Ö§ä§ã§ñ §¦§Ó§Ñ§ß§Ô§Ö§Ý§Ú§Ö§Þ?
Who are the Christadelphians?
Why Baptism Really Matters
Why is Man Mortal?
Wrested Scriptures (R. Abel): Section "B" Immortality of the Soul/Heaven/Hell
Hope for a Hopeless World
Your Share in God's Promises

The Bible and its Message for Mankind
Bible Fingerposts (various)

Correspondence Course
12 Lesson Bible Study Notes
16 Part CBM Course

Books/booklets by D Heaster
[For stocks, contact bro. Marcus Heaster]
Beyond Bible Basics (D. Heaster)
Bible Basics (D. Heaster)
Introducing Bible Basics (ed. D. Heaster) parts 1 and 2. §©§Ñ§ß§ñ§ä§Ú§ñ §á§à §¢§Ú§Ò§Ý§Ú§Ú
The death of the cross §²§Ñ§ã§á§ñ§ä§Ú§Ö 
Jesus for Moslems (Duncan Heaster) §ª§Ú§ã§å§ã §Õ§Ý§ñ §®§å§ã§å§Ý§î§Þ§Ñ§ß
The Last Days (Duncan Heaster) §°§Ò§â§Ñ§Ù§í §á§à§ã§Ý§Ö§Õ§ß§Ú§ç §Õ§ß§Ö§Û
Approaching The Orthodox Mindset (Duncan Heaster) §±§à§Õ§ç§à§Õ §Ü §á§â§Ñ§Ó§à§ã§Ý§Ñ§Ó§ß§à§Þ§å §Þ§í§ê§Ý§Ö§ß§Ú§ð
A World Waiting To Be Won (Duncan Heaster) §®§Ú§â §Ô§à§ä§à§Ó§í§Û §ã§Õ§Ñ§ä§î§ã§ñ


SERBO-CROAT (10m total)
see SERBIAN (in cyrillic script) or CROATIAN (for latin script)

Bible Basics

SLOVAKIAN  (5m in Slovakia)
Bible Basics

SLOVENIAN (2m in Slovenia)
no literature

[asterisked stocks held at the Office; others in LA Hispanic, Columbia, El Salvador and by bro Frank Woodcock (Nanaimo, Canada)] 
many downloads of Spanish literature from CBMA website http://www.labiblia.com/ list on http://www.labiblia.com/zlitindx.htm
a few extra booklets available on http://www.god-so-loved-the-world.org/spanish.htm from the Printland series.

Books [Some of them cyclostyled in Colombia, 1972-4] 
Abraham-Padre de los Creyentes Abraham-Father of the Faithful (HAW)
Una Armonia de los Evangelios Harmony of the Gospels
*Filem¨®n Philemon
Hechos de los Apostoles Acts of the Apostles
Meditaciones Meditations (FWT)
El Problema del Sufrimiento The Problem of Suffering

Una Biblia-Muchas Iglesias ¡­ One Bible-Many Churches ¡­ 
*El Companero de la Biblia Bible Companion 
ditto ditto Bookmark (El Salvador address) 
*La Declaracion de Fe de la Iglesia Cristadelfiana Statement of Faith 
*Una Declaracion Declaration 
Familiarandose con la Biblia Getting to Know the Bible 
El Hablar en Lenguas Speaking in Tongues 
La Llave Para Entender la Biblia The Key to Understanding the Bible 
El Medio Oriente The Middle East 
Los Primeros Dias de Cristianismo First Days of Christianity 
*Predicando la Verdad Preaching the Truth 
Tu Adversario el Diablo Your Adversary the Devil
Y Ahora las Buenas Nuevas Now for the Good News
Una Fe vira A living Faith
!Hacia donde va el mundo! What is the world coming to?

*El Bautismo Baptism 
*La Bomba The Bomb 
*La Caida de Los Principios The Fall of the First Pair 
¿Carece de Algo el Cristianismo de vd.? Something missing from your Christianity? 
¿Christadelphians: Qui¨¦nes son? Christadelphians: Who are they? 
El Diablo en la Biblia The Devil in the Bible 
La Era Nuclear The Nuclear Age
¿Es la Trinidad Doctrina Biblica? Is the Doctrine of the Trinity Biblical? 
¿El Evangalio-Completo o medio Completo? Full Gospel or Half Full? 
Israel-Pueblo de Dios Israel-God's People
JesuCristo-en los Planes de Dios Jesus Christ -and the Purpose of God
Un Llamado a los Catolicos An Appeal to Roman Catholics
La Muerte y la Resurreccion Death and Resurrection
La Naturaleza del Hombre The Nature of Man
El Padre, el Hijo, el espiritu Santo Father, Son and Holy Spirit
*Paz en la Tierra-Unu Certeza Peace on Earth-A Certainty 
La Preexistencia de Cristo The Pre-existence of Christ
Las Promesas a Abram The Promises to Abraham
Seleccion del Cristiandad Desviada Christendom Astray (digest)
*El Sueño del Rey (Daniel 2) The King's Dream 
*Una Religion que Tiene Sentido A Religion that Makes Sense 
*Venga tu Reino Thy Kingdom Come 
Viviendo la Verdad Living the Truth
*La Vida y la Muerte Life and Death 
Y Ahora las Buenas Nuevas Now for the Good News 

Correspondence Course
Curso B¨ªblico Cristadelfiano 40 Part CBM Course with Question sheets
Curso Postal B¨ªblico Cristadelfiano 22-Part Course 
Bible Basics, Introducing Bible Basics, The Power of Basics - for these contact Marcus Heaster

Archive copies (only) held at the Christadelphian Office
Nu till de Goda Nyheterna Now for the Good News (booklet) 

[stocks with bro Geoff Brazier or at the Office]
The Bible our Guide 
Spirit, Soul, Body 
The Original Gospel Comes to the Ukraine 
Bible Basics - via Marcus Heaster


ARABIC (100m?)
see http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=ABV
[contact bro. Marcus Heaster for stocks]
Bible Basics
Bible Basics for Moslems
Introducing Bible Basics

AZERBAIJANI (6m in Azerbaijan, related to Turkish and Turkmeni)

FARSI, old name PERSIAN (spoken in Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan) 
(contact Marcus Heaster for stocks)
Bible Basics
Introducing Bible Basics

Bible Companion
Statement of Faith
[contact bro. Marcus Heaster for stocks]
Bible Basics
Bible Basics for Jews

KAZAKH (10m Kazakhstan)
What is the gospel (unknown ed. Heaster)

KIRGHIZ (5m Kyrgyzstan, related to KAZAKH)
What is the gospel (unknown ed. Heaster) §¦§Ó§Ñ§ß§Ô§Ö§Ý§Ú§Ö §Õ§Ö§Ô§Ö§ß §ï§Þ§ß§Ö?

KURDISH (11m; 3.0m in Iraq, 3.5m in Iran, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia)
Bible Basics 

PASHTO (20m Afghanistan)
What is the Gospel? (unknown) 

TAJIKI (related to Persian or FARSI, 4m Tajikistan)
What is the gospel (unknown ed. Heaster)

TARTAR (5m in Russia, Kazan area)
What is the Gospel? (unknown) 

TURKISH  (50m)
Bible Companion
[contact bro. Marcus Heaster for stocks]
What is the Gospel? (unknown) Incil nedir?
Bible Basics - Incil'in Temelleri
Introducing Bible Basics 
Bible Basics for Muslims (Heaster)

TURKMENI (related to TURKISH, 4m Turkmenstan, 2m Iran)
What is the gospel (unknown ed. Heaster) Hoş Habary- bu nämäkä?

UZBEK (20m Uzbekistan, related to UYGHUR 7m in China)
What is the gospel (unknown ed. Heaster) Injil nima?


[see link at head of page for downloads and contact ACBM for stocks]


[Stocks with bro David Budden, in Vancouver and Melbourne]
La Sankta Biblio Bible 
La Nova Testamento New Testament
The Epistle to the Galatians
The Epistle to the Thessalonians
The Epistle to the Philippians
Alvoko al Romkatolikoj An Appeal to Roman Catholics 
Augsburgo-Vojkrucigo de la Gefratoj en Kristo Augsburg-Crossroads of the Brethren in Christ
Biblio-Legado/Notlibro Bible Reading Notebook and Planner 
La Biblio en Pollando The Bible in Poland
La Biblio nia Gvidlibro The Bible our Guide 
Cu Homaro Travivos la Nuklean Epokon? Will Man Survive the Nuclear Age? 
Espero por Senespera Mondo Hope for a Hopeless World 
Je via dispono ¡­ At your Disposal (the International Bible Mission)
Kaj nun jen la Bona Novajo Now for the Good News 
Kristo Venos! Christ is Coming! 
Relevigo kaj Jugo Resurrection and Judgement 
La Reveno de Jesuo Kristo Mem The Personal Return of Jesus Christ 
Cu ni Devas Timi Diablon Have we to fear a Devil? (photocopied) 
Deklaracio Declaration (1910) 
La Diablo kaj Satano The Devil and Satan
Gefratoj en Kristo Brethren in Christ
Roterdamo, Erasmo kaj la Biblio Rotterdam, Erasmus and the Bible 
Rusio en Afganistano Russia and Afghanistan 
Sinprepari por Bapto Preparing for Baptism 
La Vera Evangelio The True Gospel (Bible Guide Summary) 
La Vero pri Dio The Truth about God
Via Parto ce la Promesoj de Dio Your Share in God's Promises
La Animo The Soul
La Biblio Kunulo Bible Companion 
Diablo kaj Satano Devil and Satan
Jesuo: Filo de Dio au Dio la Filo? Jesus: God the Son or Son of God?
Kiuj Estas Kristadelfianoj Tutmondaj? Who are the Christadelphians? 
Mia Fido My Faith 
La Originala Evangelio The Original Gospel 
La Radikoj de Vera Kristianismo The Roots of True Christianity 
Spiritaj Donacoj Spirit Gifts
Correspondence Courses
La Agoj Koresponda Kurso 12-Part Acts Course
Esploru kun ni la Biblion 22-Part Course (+ Questions) 
Studfolio 16-Part CBM Course 
Koresponda 18 lecionoj 18-Part Revised Course 
In addition, more than 50 Studies and Exhortations on a variety of Biblical topics have been produced
Bible Basics - Bazoj De La Biblio (Heaster)

