

Who it was who originally wrote this series of small bookmark shaped bills is not known, but they were printed (or reprinted) by the Christadelphian Magazine and Publishing Association, 404 Shaftmoor Lane, Birmingham B28 6SZ, England, from at least the 1960s to the 1980s and helped many beginner Bible students.

The versions here have been updated - modernizing the grammar, simplifying the language and making the verses fit modern versions (in  particular the English Standard Version, ESV) - with a view to making them more suitable for easy translation into other languages. It is hoped that they will also be more used in English.

1. The return of Christ
2. Why is Christ coming again?
3. Signs that the return of Christ is near
4. Is death the end?
5. Do I have an immortal soul?
6. Where do we go when we die?
7. What hope do you have?
8. Do we have eternal life now?
9. The Bible definition of immortality
10. Do you understand the Kingdom of God?
11. The Promised Land
12. What is the "heavenly country"?
13. Jerusalem
14. The return of Israel
15. Paradise: popular ideas and the Bible meaning
16. Why did Christ die?
17. Why did Christ rise from the died?
18. Who was Christ that died and rose again?
19. God raised Christ from the dead
20. The Holy Spirit
21. Who or what is the Devil?
22. Where is Hell?
23. The fate of the wicked
24. Has Christianity gone off the Bible path?
25. The remission of sins
26. Born a second time
27. Does it matter what Christians believe?
28. Why we ought to be baptized
29. The glories of the age to come
30. The problem of The Holy Land
31. The Christianity of the apostles
32. The name and faith of the Christadelphians